Remedial Massage

We offer Massage treatments that range from relaxation to deep tissue.

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What is Massage Therapy?

Massage Therapy is the practice of massaging the muscles and soft tissues of the body to help improve well being and recovery. Regular massages are a great injury preventative measure and will increase your overall physical and mental well being.
At SANTÉ Newcastle our trained and qualified massage therapists have the skills and tools to provide high quality and professionally tailored massage treatments.
What type of Massage Therapy is right for me?
Some of the types of massage that we offer include (but are not limited to) the following:

Sports Massage
This type of massage will target tissues overworked by your chosen sport or exercise program. These treatments are often provided throughout the season as an injury prevention measure.
Those suffering from muscles strains, looking to regain flexibility and suffering cramping will best benefit from this type of massage.

Symphony of the Cells-Aromatherapy Massage

This is one of the modalities that sets us apart from others. Boyd Truman created the different SOC applications, based on over 34 years of experience in the wellness industry and firsthand use of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. Each application targets a specific body system and includes a list of essential oils that - through experience and training - Boyd found to be best served for that system.  The application technique involves layering the oils on areas where a high volume of nerve endings are located: across the entire back and to the bottoms of the feet. 

This modality combined with massage has powerful benefits both physically and emotionally.

Deep Tissue Remedial Massage
This massage type is designed to target the deepest layers of muscles. The goal is to improve circulation to muscles, ligaments and tendons and break up any tightness experienced within the deep layers of muscle. Often pain and inflammation is held in these layers.
This massage is best suited to those suffering from neck and shoulder tightness from prolonged computer use, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, low back pain and spasming associated with disc injuries, and all chronic muscular injury complaints.

Pregnancy Massage
This form of massage targets the pain and tension associated with pregnancy. Often the focus is on the low back and pelvis, with pregnancy pillows provided to ensure maximum comfort is provided to all patients.
This massage type is best suited to mothers and mothers to be.

Why choose Remedial Massage at SANTÉ?
SANTÉ offers remedial massage in Hamilton, Newcastle and takes a research based approach to all treatment provided. There is extensive research demonstrating the benefits of remedial massage therapy for all types of people from athletes, to elderly, to pregnant women. These proven benefits include:

  • Relieving Stress and promoting Relaxation by increasing the blood flow to tensioned and tight muscles.
  • Promoting soft tissue recovery by improving blood circulation to injured tissues.
  • Reducing Pain experienced with exercise and training.
  • Promoting good posture and can affect flexibility through various types of massage therapy.

Why Come See Us?
We are passionate about health and we are here to help you feel good. We understand what your body needs and how to treat your body the way it deserves. Our fully trained and qualified massage therapists are well versed in all types of massage and is well trained to identify which massage is best suited to your needs.