What is the difference between remedial and deep tissue massage?

A: There are so many different types of massage out there that when considering what kind of treatment is best for you it can become very confusing. Swedish massage, Thai massage, sports massage or hot stone treatments, there are many more types of massage out there than we can keep track of. So here is the difference between two of the more popular types of massage chosen by people who are looking to maximise the benefit of their treatments; remedial and deep tissue massage.

 What is deep tissue massage?
 A: Deep tissue massage is similar to Swedish massage in that it focuses on setting a rhythm and using flowing strokes to apply pressure to muscles throughout the whole body. The main difference between deep tissue massage and Swedish massage is that deep tissue massage uses more pressure to push deeper into the muscle. This added pressure can be a little uncomfortable for some, but is often described as a “good pain” by fans of the technique. This added edge enhances the therapeutic benefits of the massage, reduces tension throughout the body and helps patients recover from exercise and injuries. The overall effect of the deep tissue massage is a relaxing, whole body treatment.

What is remedial massage?
A: While often mistaken for deep tissue massage, remedial massage is intended as a more targeted treatment for pain and injury. Therapists that employ remedial massage are required to study for longer than many of their colleagues and must thoroughly understand the way the body works and the tissues that they are treating.
While deep tissue massage is a whole body treatment, remedial massage focuses on parts of the body that requires rehabilitation. Remedial massage first starts with a review of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and posture. Once the therapist understands the issues causing the injury or pain they will then perform a targeted massage of the area. While deep tissue massage requires firm pressure, the pressure used during remedial massage will vary depending on what is best for treating the specific issue.
Finally, remedial massage is done with a goal in mind, like treating a knee, shoulder or back injury. This means that it will often be done over a series of sessions, where the therapist is constantly assessing the state of the patient and noting any improvements or deterioration. This allows them to adjust their treatment and give their patient the best possible chance of recovery.

Is deep tissue or remedial massage best for you?
A: Everybody is different and requires a specific treatment depending on what issues are salient in their muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Deep tissue massage is best for people who want a whole body experience and the therapeutic benefit of firm pressure. It is a strong and relaxing massage that helps release muscle tension and enhance recovery from physical exercise.
Remedial massage on the other hand is a targeted treatment that identifies specific issues in the body, and then uses expert massage techniques to treat them. It is perfect for those with chronic pain or injuries that require specialist treatment.

Q: How do I purchase dŌTERRA essential oils?
A: dŌTERRA is a membership-based organisation, so by opening a wholesale account with dŌTERRA, you can take advantage of wholesale pricing, which is a 25% discount on retail.  You can also purchase the oils at retail price without becoming a dŌTERRA member, however, most people choose to buy them through their wholesale membership. 

Q: Why should I open a whole dŌTERRA account rather than buying at retail prices? 
A: Good question and a common one among dŌTERRA, FAQs. If you only want to buy one essential oil and you’re unlikely to buy another, retail is the better option for you. However, if you are looking to purchase two or more oils and seem likely to purchase again, a wholesale account is the smartest option. You can pay $35 for an annual wholesale account, or purchase a kit and the $35 membership fee is waived. So what are the benefits of a wholesale dŌTERRA membership? 

  • You get 25% off the retail pricing- all products, all the time!
  • There’s no monthly order required- you can spend as little or as much as you like
  • Option to receive 10-30% of your total purchase back in free loyalty product points
  • Eligibility to receive dŌTERRA’s free Product of the Month
  • 100% money back guarantee on products
  • Products shipped directly to your door
  • Awesome welcome pack with relevant information
  • Ongoing support, guidance and mentoring in your oily journey to better wellness
  • Access to private Facebook support groups for 24/7 support and guidance
  • Wellness consultation session to ensure your health and wellness needs are identified and addressed in your doTERRA wellness journey
  • No obligation to on-sell products
  • Ability to earn compensation and bonuses by sharing the oils with others
  • Business coaching, training and ongoing development if you choose to expand your love of dŌTERRA into a business

Q: dŌTERRA’s essential oils carry the mark CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. What does this mean?
A: Although there are good essential oils available to consumers, many products claiming to be essential oils often are not pure aromatic extracts and often contain fillers and non-aromatic compounds. Furthermore, there are no current regulatory standards for the descriptive use of the ‘therapeutic grade’ for products labelled as essential oils. The CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic GradeⓇ mark represent dŌTERRA’s own internal standards for sourcing and testing pure aromatic botanical extracts using independent laboratory analysis. The dOTERRA brand and registered CPTGⓇ mark represent dŌTERRA’s guarantee of pure essential oil extracts that meet high standards for both purity and material composition and for accurate product labelling. 

Q: Why do dŌTERRA essential oils smell so much better than other essential oils on the market that claim to be therapeutic grade?
A: Aroma is an excellent indication of true purity. A pure essential oil will elicit powerful emotional responses and will not be overbearing in any note. Many people have described dŌTERRA’s CPTG as essential oil as ‘sweet’ or ‘extremely pleasing fragrances’. This is because when plants are grown in a region in which it is indigenous, with proper nutritive soil conditions, air quality, weather/moisture, are harvested at the right time and carefully distilled, the essential oil extract will be pure and of the highest quality, thus having a fragrance that exceeds that of oils that have been diluted or synthetically produced. Unfortunately, there are many essential oils on the market that claim to be ‘therapeutic grade’, ‘pure’ or ‘natural’ that do not follow strict standards for purity and potency. The best way for a consumer to know the quality and value of the product is to experience it for themselves. 

Q: Does dŌTERRA grow their own plants and own their own farms?
A: We have found that a primary key to superior essential oil quality is the location in which the plant is grown. For this reason, we carefully source our essential oils from all over the world rather than from a few locations that are not native habitats for the plants. For example, our Lavender is grown in the high altitudes of France, our Lemon comes from Italy, and our Frankincense is sourced from Oman. Because our management team is trusted and respected by global producers, we are able to secure precious crops for essential oil production from preferred suppliers. Check out our Source to You website for more information on dŌTERRA sourcing.

Q: Is dŌTERRA a MLM company or pyramid scheme?
A: dŌTERRA is a Direct Selling Company, which is very different from a Pyramid Scheme. A Pyramid Scheme’s focus is to recruit new members, and pay bonuses for achieving recruitment goals.  The start-up costs for a pyramid scheme are much higher, often involving recurring ‘membership’ fees or expensive ‘education’ ‘training’ or ‘advertising’ materials that can easily be found free of charge elsewhere.  They often pressure people into recruiting new members and promising profits for minimal work, often in high-pressure seminar environments. dŌTERRA is definitely not a pyramid scheme; it is highly product sales driven. Wellness Advocates earn when they sell products. Would you like to know more about this awesome business opportunity? Contact me for a Free Mentoring Call. 

Q: I LOVE dŌTERRA’s products, but  I am hesitant to become involved in direct sales. If I decide to join, are there opportunities for me to learn more about the products and to learn how to build my own business with dŌTERRA?
A: dŌTERRA recognises that as essential oils are becoming more mainstream, there is a greater need for education. dŌTERRA provides exceptional educational opportunities for all people interested in learning how CPTG oils can be used as a self-care wellness alternative. These events are offered throughout the year from one of the leading essential oil experts, Dr David K. Hill, as well as other guest presenters. In addition, we offer training workshops, webinars, and business-building tools to help you embrace the business prospect and become successful in your efforts to distribute our products through person-to-person contact and globally through personalized web shopping sites. 

Q: Are dŌTERRA’s essential oils organic?
A: dŌTERRA’s CPTG essential oils exceed industry standards. Because organic certified varies from country to country, and state to state, it is not currently possible to acquire all oils under certified organic status. However, through the GC/MS analysis process, we are able to determine if any chemical residue exists in the essential oils, e.g. pesticides, herbicides, extenders and solvents. With this rigorous analysis process, we are able to ensure that all CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils offered by dŌTERRA are absolutely pure as nature intended as a step above organic. 

Q: What is the difference between essential oils and aromatherapy oils?
A: An ‘aromatherapy oil’ is usually 2% dilution of an essential oil in 98% almond or grapeseed oil which is often extremely poor value for money. In reality, this ‘aromatherapy oil’ is just a massage oil presented in a 10ml bottle which looks exactly like the ones normally containing undiluted pure essential oils. 

Q: How are essential oils absorbed into our body?
A: Essential oils easily penetrate into the body by all methods of application including topical, aromatic, and internal use. Whichever application method you choose, or if you choose to use all three, the essential oils will be very effective. Aromatically, essential oils are absorbed by our olfactory bulb and smell receptors which are taken directly to the limbic system. Topically, essential oils are quickly absorbed into the lymph system and internally, the essential oils are also absorbed into the lymph and other systems of the body. 

Q: What is photo-toxicity and which oils are photo-sensitive?
A: Though essential oils are natural and generally regarded as safe, you need to be careful when using them. Oils considered to be photo-toxic means that they make your skin light sensitive when applied topically. It is important to note that only the area that you apply the oils on will be light sensitive. When exposed to the sun, these areas can become more sensitive to UV rays and can cause discolouration and even sunburn. So exercise extreme caution. It is recommended that you keep the areas where you applied these types of oils out of direct sunlight for at least 72 hours, so either cover those areas with clothing or don't step outside. 
Oils that are photo-toxic (avoid the sun for 72 hours) include Bergamot. 
Oils that are photo-sensitive (avoid the sun for 8 hours) Ginger, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Wild Orange, Citrus Bliss. 
*Note: this would also mean to take some caution with blends that contain these single oils in them. 

Q: What is a carrier oil?
A: Carrier oil, also known as base oil or vegetable oil, is used to dilute essential oils and absolutes before they are applied to the skin in massage or aromatherapy. They are so named because they carry the essential oil onto the skin. Carrier oils ensure that essential oils applied topically are comfortable to the skin. dŌTERRA’s carrier oil is called Fractioned Coconut Oil, a carrier oil which is soluble with all essential oils and is colourless, odourless and will not stain. 

 Q: Can essential oils be applied to sensitive areas?
A: Avoid contacting sensitive areas such as eyes, ears, genitals, and mucous membranes with essential oils. If you choose to use the oil in any sensitive area, dilute 1 drop of the essential oil with a carrier oil. 

Q: How often can essential oils be applied? How much do I use them?
A: Follow the proper usage instructions printed on each essential oil label. Essential oils are very powerful, so start low and go slow. Excessive use of essential oils may increase the risk of adverse reactions. In most cases, 1-2 drops are adequate, and using more may waste product. Depending on the essential oil, you can gradually build up to 3-4 uses per day, if desired. 

Q: What about the use of essential oils if I have a medical condition? Can essential oils interact with prescription medications? 
A: If you have a disease or medical condition or are using prescription medication, it is recommended that prior to using essential oils, you consult with a health care advisor who has experience with essential oils. Seek the advice of the prescribing physician and a pharmacist about potential interactions between any medication and essential oils. 

Q: Do essential oils contain vitamins and/or minerals? 
A: No. Essential oils ONLY contain volatile aromatic compounds and so they do not contain any vitamins nor minerals. 

Q: Why are ultrasonic diffusers the best way to enjoy the oils aromatically? 
A: An ultrasonic diffuser does not use any form of heat to diffuse the mist/oil into the atmosphere. If you are still using an oil burner, this can alter the molecular structure and destroys the aromatic and therapeutic benefits of the essential oil. By using an ultrasonic diffuser, your essential oils will be kept up in their purest form and the qualities of the essential oils will be enhanced by the high vibrations. 

Q: Does dOTERRA test products on animals?
A: dŌTERRA does not initiate or support animal testing on any of our products. 

Q: How should I store my essential oils?
A: Essential oils are best kept in dark glass bottles with screw tops. They should be kept in a cool, dry space, preferably out of direct sunlight.